
Friday, August 24, 2012

Propuh - killer draft

Partly because I possess an unusually strong sense of humor and partly because it so strongly defies logic I continue to come back to the subject of the "draft" here in Croatia.

We are enjoying over 100 degree weather.  Stefica's apartment is approx. 400 square feet.  There are six of us.  The evening cools down but we are not able to take advantage of opening multiple windows (or a door) to cool down the apartment because of...


No kidding.

I have been fascinated by many conversations with people of all ages confirming that they too believe that a draft is a terrible thing.  It is really as real can get.  They frankly cannot understand that I (and America as a whole) doesn't even have a CONCEPT of fearing a draft.

Today I ran across a lovely article that you might enjoy to help you to understand why I am sleeping in an apartment that is remarkably warm with a pleasant exterior only a (closed) window away.


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