
Monday, November 19, 2012

The drive - final stats

Tajci and I drove straight through from Redding CA to Cincinnati OH stopping only for gas and food (three food stops).

The boys (and Lauren) were troopers!!

The total drive was 2,380 miles and took from 9:30pm Saturday to 1pm Monday (both PST to make it simple).

Here is what the drive looked like:

9:30pm - 5am (Matt = 7.5)
5am - 10:15am (Tajci = 5.25)
10:15am - 11:30am Breakfast & gas
11:30am - 2:45pm (Matt = 3.25)
2:45pm - 5pm (Tajci = 2.25)
5pm - 5:45pm Dinner at Dairy Queen

Change the clocks:
(5:45 pst = 8:45 est)

8:45pm - 12am (Matt = 3.25)
12am - 3am (Tajci = 3)
3am - 4:45am (Matt = 1.75)
4:45am- 9:30am (Tajci = 5.25)
9:30am -12:30pm (Matt = 3)
12:30pm - 2pm Cracker Barrel
2pm - 4pm (Tajci = 2)

Total hours driven =
Tajci 17.25
Matt 18.75

Stages 5-8

It is very hard to drive at night. ESP if you just drove 1,300 miles and are ready to be "done". Both Tajci and I have tricks and tips (I eat ice and spicy sunflower seeds - cuts back on bathroom breaks and keeps me busy).

We both listen to audio books. Last night I finished C.S. Forrester's book "The Commodore (the Hornblower series)" and started the last book of the series "Lord Hornblower". I find it nearly impossible to feel sorry for myself while listening to stories of men enduring incredible hardship and deprivation!

However, having only this view (above) for hours and hours on end and sitting (unable to move the blood) requires quite a lot of mental concentration.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stage 4 (1,000 down - 1,300 to go)

Tajci took over at 2:45pm and, of course, she gets a GIANT rainbow!

How very ...


Maybe we can move to Wyoming!! That would be awesome (for me). Tajci rolls her eyes at me and ignores that comment.

3rd leg - storm over Wyoming

I'm driving again: 11:45am - 2:45pm.

Amazing skies ... I took a bunch o pictures and felt this was the best. The storm was coming from the south (left) towards the north (right side naturally).

Gorgeous - just gorgeous!

2nd leg - Golden Sunrise between here and there

(Tajci drove from around 5am - 10am.)

Heading home ...  seven weeks, 19 amazing concerts, 100's of friends and 1,000 beautiful sites and memories - lots and lots of memories.

California certainly is the Golden State.

It even gifted us with a Golden Sunrise after we drove through the night :)

"Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star,
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar." 
Bilbo Baggins

1st leg - Heading home

We left Redding around 9:30pm (PST).

I drove 453 miles to Carlin NV. It was a hard drive: lots and lots of rain, snow, sleet, poor visibility, NO coffee and a two lane road for hundreds of miles.

It is now 5am and Tajci is taking over.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A moment of Grandeur

The day at Grand Canyon was NOT what we expected. Rain, sleet, snow
and finally - FOG!

We were in really good spirits having a terrible "National Park" lunch
and going to two Ranger talks on Rocks (how the Canyon was made) and

The clouds parted off and on and we saw the canyon in a "new" way. I
actually liked it better. Each of my other experiences of Grand
Canyon left me feeling it was just "too much". It's vastness, opened
and countless details actually left me feeling I couldn't really "see

Peeks of the canyon - like the one in the photo - along with the
wonderful diffused light made this my favorite Grand Canyon
experience... So far.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Grand Canyon - North Rim

If you were ever curious what the Grand Canyon looks like in the fog...

This is it:

Snow!! (on Oct 12th...?

After the rain, and the rainbow then came the snow!!

The boys went wild and we stopped to play a bit.

Evan and an Arizona rainbow

We saw this on the way to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Colorado River

We took a "Mike trip" off the highway for a little while. Just goofing off a little and enjoying the moment.

I like the contrast of the leaves in the foreground and river and various mountain colors in the background.


*My wonderful cousin Mike always is getting us to stop and smell the roses in our busy lives. My favorite Mike moment was some random evening when he stopped me quite suddenly with "SHHHH ... Listen .... Do you hear it?" A good minute went by a I listened for ... What? Then he said "crickets" and started walking again.

When is the last time you heard a cricket?


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

KC to Denver

Got up and had an awesome KC breakfast. Interesting detail: I asked for hot sauce and they had three or four different hot "seasonings" (dry). How very KC!!

Larry and Julie have a mobile veterinary clinic and showed us their horses, animals and how they can get STEM CELLS from animals in the closet of their mobile clinic. Truly amazing. We had a great visit and will be coming back in Lent! Larry is going to take the boys with him on his rounds treating animals as part of their science course :)

Tech update: mileage still dropping. 14 mpg at last fill up. Carefully looked under Sprinter - totally dry. What is happening? Also: left drivers side wheel is out of alignment. Van pulling to the right and tire wearing funny. Need to fix ASAP or it'll cost me a tire.

Matthew Cameron

Home for a few days...

Packing for a 5,000 mile, 19 concert, seven week tour isn't simple - ESP when you have only been home for six days after being away from home for 76 days).

After a very fast intense week we left at 12:30pm on Tuesday.  Lauren joined us on tour for the first time as tutor (possibly violin/vocals as well).

We made it to the Kovac's home (Kansas City) around 10pm local time.  After introductions were made and friendships born (over lovely Slivovica) we had a snack, chatted and went to bed.

Technical note:  normally we get around 22-25 mph.  First fill up we got 18, 2nd fill up was 16.

Matthew Cameron

Friday, September 21, 2012


Through much trial and error and seeking out of uncomfortable situations I have successfully identified a real fear of Claustrophobickeria.

Claustrophobia:  The fear of having no escape and being closed in small spaces or rooms.

Bickering:  Petty quarreling. Usually considered a childish behaviour, although often applied to adults.

Claustrophobia + Bickering = Claustrophobickeria

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pula, Istria, Croatia

I am short on words...

Pula. Coliseum. Temple. Gate.

Lovely. Just lovely.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Rovinj, Istria, Croatia

Spent a cloudy and breezy afternoon in the stunning, charming, delightful city Rovinj.

Check out this video:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Column: Keep America weird

This article is best (and most entertaining) explanation about the mandate I have read to date.

Column: Keep America weird

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Grožnjan, Istria, Croatia

We went to visit Grožnjan. An amazing little city that is the home of many many local artists!

The towns earliest "stones" date back to 536 AD.

Check out this little video (note the sea in the back ground).

I had a rakija (brandy) called Ruža (made somehow with roses playing a part - how ... No one knew... But it tasted - and looked - lovely.

Istria - day 2 & 3

Tajci and I (and cousin Duda) drove to Zagreb at 6am yesterday. The GPS (normally my best friend) went craxy and gave us the run around (kept taking us towards Italy).

We arrive to Zagreb late, stressed, tired and hungry. Ran around doing interviews all day and then back to Istria around 7pm (arriving at 10:30pm - tired).

Got up, did homework with kids, worked a bit and then the boys and i played in the pool.

Blais was riding a bike in the yard a bit as well.

We are going to Porič in a bit to give Ivica his car back (he loaned it to us 'cause it is faster and has AC). We will look around, swim and then head to Motovun and other hill towns.

What a life!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

What is a master?

Someone just passed this on to me in relation to failure - I wanted to share it with you.

"A master is a person who has made every possible mistake in one very focused field of expertise."

Sunday, September 9, 2012

And now Istria!!

52474 Verteneglio, Banisters, Karigador, Croatia

Packed up slowly - Duda (Tajci's awesome and hilarious cousin) showed up around noon and we took off.

Arrived around 3pm to an AMAZING PLACE.

I haven't seen much but it seems that Istria is similar to Zagria (fertile land) coupled with Dalmatia (the sea).

So far - so great!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Failure is relative

I have a fascinating topic of conversation that seems to come up every couple of days (in Croatia):

The fear of failure is very very serious. It seems that failure is seen as a permanent mark - reflects upon the family etc.

In my experience in America I believe failure is viewed MUCH differently. I grew up with stories of various grand and great grand parents and uncles trying every possible endeavors. The "failures" seemed only to clarify the persons fortitude, good humor and tenacity.

How many of us were taught about Abe Lincoln losing every conceivable election - and then winning the Presidency.

I was reminded of these conversations when I stumbled across this quote:

A man is not finished when he's defeated; he's finished when he quits.

Sljeme by bike

I was feeling a little claustrophobic yesterday and decided that after the kids finished homework and judo I'd take off for a bike ride.

I wanted to ride to Sljeme but wasn't sure of the way... fortunately it is the only mountain and generally if you are going UP you are more than likely going correct.

I took off around 1pm (maybe 1:30).  Rode to the Center.   Then the Cathedral.  Then found the street I was pretty sure went the right way.  Then rode generally uphill.  Then found a little market and bought bread, meat and cheese from the deli (they didn't and wouldn't sell me a sandwich).  Then I found my way to the 'fountain' I'd seen the previous week (with Ivica when we walked to mass).  I asked around but couldn't get a good answer on 'where is the bike trail'.  Found myself in the woods on a very small barely walkable trail pushing the bike (truly no idea where I was but kept heading in the general 'up' direction.  Took a break to think and tried calling Goran for advise (go back... or?)  Then saw a human head FLY by me about 50 yards away.  Knew it much be someone on a bike.  Walked with bike through the woods - found the bike trail and proceeded 'up'.  Walked and rode (about 50/50) to the top. Took quite a while.  Made it to the tippy top and ate a nice bowl of soup.  Was cold, tired and very stiff.  Started home. Took trails - hard to see obstacles due to leaves.  Exciting decent.  Harder physically than expected due to huge need of alertness and tensed to react.  Crashed once - not badly.  Made it down.  Rode to center. Sat and read and people watched.  Rode slowly home.  Showered.  Tajci was very tired so I went out with Goran and Ivanica and talked till around midnight.

Very good day.  Google maps says approx. 22.3 km (one way).  Works out to approx. 27 miles.  1/2 up. 1/2 down.

I will edit my little clips into one video later.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I gave up ...

I just HAD to have something hotter than pepper :)

Old world ... other world

I have to put this down.  I have been talking to Stefica about distances and her father and the way she grew up.  I finally got the bright idea of opening google maps and finding the places and distances (and saving them).

This is a map from her village Vrbno to Lepoglava.  Her father WALKED this route (13.7 km, 2 hours 49 mins) each morning - worked all day - and WALKED home.

It is hard to fathom (and hard to believe) when it is just stories from another time ... but when I look at it in google it is somehow more real!

There is one more that I literally was struggling with the physical possibility of the stories.  It seems that for generations people walk to their local Marian Shrines for "Mali Gospa" (little Mamma - Annunciation) and "Velica Gospa" (big Mamma - Assumption) and in petition (and thanks) for special requests.

Stefica's mother would take her by her hand and for eighteen years of her life (from when she was a baby till she was married) walk with her and her seven brothers and sisters AND ENTIRE VILLAGE to Marija Bistrica.  44.5 kilometers.  They walked from around 10pm till they arrive.  Attended mass (and other stuff I am not clear about) and then walked home.  Everyone seems to agree they sang along the way.  Also that the communists tried very hard to get this process to stop but were unsuccessful.  

And thus - long before - Medjugorie - this country had a very deep and strong love of the Blessed Mother.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Zagreb and working & working in Zagreb

Hello to my Kin Folk, friends and fellow draft lovers,

I am actually working in Zagreb. Almost as if I were in Cincinnati except my commute is longer. Today I rode 'my' bicycle to work.

I work in a building with about 25 other people. (They all work for a software company and a handmade religious articles company - I just use whichever desk is open and bounce around a bit.)

The lady who owns the business is very generous and feeds her workers every day (and me). Yesterday I took a walk (I am trying hard to exercise every day and haven't eaten bread at all in almost 6 weeks (with the exception of beer) and ran into someone I knew.

Weird - odd - fun experience. Mirza spotted me and said "Matthew"? We talked for a minute and he wanted to introduce me to the lady running his wig shop (yes - wig shop). We went in and he just said (in Croatian) "guess who I have with me" She said "Tajci's husband Matthew". No pause and I'd never seen her in my life!

Mirza was AMAZED - he said "how did you know?" She just laughed and said "everyone knows".

He wanted to 'take a coffee' and I (after years of living with a Croatian I finally learned how to speak and get across what I want) said "first we will walk and move our bodies and THEN sit for coffee". We walked and chatted and it was lovely.

The boys are in camp this week. From 8:30-4:30. They play soccer and tennis and then bike to a rock climbing place then bike to lunch and then bike to a swimming place. Goran runs it (actually owns it - and manages it). Really cool ideas and keeping the kids moving from activity to actively on their own power.

They eat at a mom and pop restaurant and swear it is the best food in the world (but we make sure not to tell Stefica).

Pretty peaceful this week. Tajci is running around doing music video's, editing and getting ready for the big festival next week. She is in HEAVEN getting make up, hair, wardrobe, photo shoots etc. Thank GOD I am on my own and able to do my thing :)

Last week I got up early Sunday morning and hiked up their local mountain Sljeme (pronounce it the way it is spelled). I didn't know what to expect but was going along with a 52 year old so I figured... how hard can it be.

I was wrong - these people are insane.

We went up an AVERAGE 14% grade (I know because I read the sign.. the rest probably said "this is a very hard trail not made for normal people" - but it was in Croatian so I missed it). 
Zero stops. Straight up. No switchbacks. The sign also said "2 sat" (hours). We did it in 1.5 but old men (ok only one old man and a bunch of young men) literally RAN PAST ME around the time I was wondering how I got into this situation.

We got to the top. Had a drink of water and then we walked to ... (you'd never believe it) mass. A teeny tiny little chapel on top of the mountain. JAMMED full of other crazy people who ... you guessed it - walked up the mountain.

I LOVED IT. (not the mass - the concept - the day I love mass has yet to arrive...

However, I have always loved the END of mass. I guess that is a good start.

God is good.

Happy to be here and enjoy the every day adventures.

Zagreb, Croatia

"Brodet" - Frogs, eel and polenta!!

Did you know I was an adventurous eater?  12 years on the road and a natural curiosity prepared me for...brodet.

Fra Svet and Fra Slavko came over around 10am and we drove to a restaraunt just outside of Mostar. It was a lovely meal (kids had čevapi) and we had the local specialty: freshwater eel & frogs with polenta!! "brodet"

Frogs, eel and polenta!!

Very very very interesting.  I ate every bite!

As we ate fruit for dessert and talked Dante had a disaster - he dropped his iPhone (my old one he has been using as a iPod and camera) into the river. It is his prize (was actually) possession. We looked for quite a while but it is lost forever. Dante was extremely upset. He LOVES to listen to his books.

And then we drove to the Sisters. Tajci best friend from when she arrived in NYC was there (Sister Milla). There was a nice reunion and then the Sisters brought tons of food - naturally.

Shoulda - woulda - coulda bought that hat

Tajci and I were goofing off on Korchula and I told her to get this hat.  
I was right.
Too bad she didn't listen :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Propuh - killer draft

Partly because I possess an unusually strong sense of humor and partly because it so strongly defies logic I continue to come back to the subject of the "draft" here in Croatia.

We are enjoying over 100 degree weather.  Stefica's apartment is approx. 400 square feet.  There are six of us.  The evening cools down but we are not able to take advantage of opening multiple windows (or a door) to cool down the apartment because of...


No kidding.

I have been fascinated by many conversations with people of all ages confirming that they too believe that a draft is a terrible thing.  It is really as real can get.  They frankly cannot understand that I (and America as a whole) doesn't even have a CONCEPT of fearing a draft.

Today I ran across a lovely article that you might enjoy to help you to understand why I am sleeping in an apartment that is remarkably warm with a pleasant exterior only a (closed) window away.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

One more day on the sea

We got off the freeway at Śebenik and went to a little beach. The boys found about 50 hermit crabs and played with them. We drove up the "old road" that everyone used before the freeway to Bibinje. After a little driving around (to Zadar and back) we got to an amazing spot and had an awesome dinner. Cheese plate, pizza (for Evan), sardele (little bigger than sardines) and scampi!!! The location was astounding. Wonderful finish to 30 DAYS on the coast. The boys took a last swim in the dark and then - off to Zagreb.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

For Mom - a lover of Sunsets

From Ksenia's apartment close to Zadar.

Sunset from the boat


I took this heading home to Zadar in a little rubber boat!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bibit = Salvandum

A thought from LinMarie

Qui bene bibit, bene dormit.
Qui bene dormit, cogitat non malum.
Qui cogitat non malum, nunquam peccat.
Qui nunquam peccat, salvandum est.
Ergo--qui bene bibit salvandum est.

Made me :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Simple but effective party planner:

Boys willing to sing loud and be silly.(crucial)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A visit to the pier after mass

I had the boys wear their new "speedo's" under their Church clothes in anticipation of this moment!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The end of sea urchin spines!!

Finally, with help - blood - sweat & tears they are out!! Dante ended up doing most himself. He had to open the skin (had healed over) and then dig them out with a tiny needle. Marianna would pinch (very hard) to help push them up and then out.

Start - 49
Finish - 0

Thank you God!!

Look at Dante's face in the last pic - he had just said "feels like the weight of the world just were lifted from my back!"

(video) View from above (biking)

Riding again

This time with Goran and Davor. We rode up (approx 350 meters ... And no clue what that means) and then down single tracks and paths (mountain biking).

I'll post a short video!!!

Left at 7:30am - back at 10:06am.

Goran said this was a "easy touristic ride".

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A bit of biking

We had left the windows open to enjoy the fine weather - a few Mosquitos came in to enjoy our sweet blood.  I went to bed at midnight and was up at 4am from the durn bugs!!  At 6 I gave up and showered and then read a while.  I got the idea of crumpling up receipts and cramming them in my ears - let them drink my blood just STOP buzzing in my ears!!!

I made eggs and walked to meet Goran at 7:30am.  I was a bit apprehensive.  As I mentioned Goran is very strong.  A few years ago a little kayak ride turned into a 20 mile open sea trek (no water, no food, no clue what was happening or where we were going!). But it happens that I LIKE not knowing exactly what is happening and adventure.  So we took off and rode up a mountain.  I was quite tired and had to stop and walk twice and rest once.  Turns out (as I was told by my stomach) eggs (just eggs) wasn't the best plan.  But I am cutting carbs and sometimes u gotta suffer.

I survived :)

Coming down the mountain was thrilling to say the least - the view nothing short of spectacular!

We went home. Had coffee (and a gallon of "sok" (water with a tiny bit of concentrate flavoring - essentially syrup).  Then I walked the boys to the best for windsurfing.  Goran teaches all the kids and all three boys went and did great.  The wind died and it got very very hot quickly so we went to Maya's for ice cream and to email a few people.

Then back to the beach for my turn at windsurfing. I failed - too strong wind by then (it gets stronger and stronger from 11-5 and then is ok for beginners) and then home for a lunch of kale and potatoes and chicken!

Took a nap and chilled out till 5ish.

I had a coffee and talked with Tajci till it was time to get ready to walk to catch the boat to Korčula. No big plans - just wandered the city, took a pic of the sunset for my Mom and had dinner. Perfect weather - warm sea breeze.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Wind & Kite surfing!

I set my alarm for 7:30 with the best of intentions of heading to Maya's and working for a couple of hours.  Alas, no luck.  Got up at 8:30 - had coffee and went to the beach.  The wind was VERY strong all day and tons of windsurfers and kite surfers were flying (literally) over the water.  It was awesome!  

I eventually went and worked at Maya's for a couple of hours but hardly made a dent in my tasks.  

Nice lunch of stuffed peppers made by Baka - great to have her here and she is happy to be here and help :) 
(cooking and, worse yet, planning the meals, is extremely difficult for Tajci and I - particularly here.

Made plans to go biking early in the morning with Goran.  He stayed late telling stories about his time in the Yugoslav army - mostly funny stories.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Next morning Tajci got up early and she and Ivanica went to pick up Stefica who had taken the over night bus from Zagreb.  They went shopping and had coffee while the boys and I sat around and wondered where they were and what we could eat!!

Off to the beach (five minute walk) after they came back.  Ivanica (nickname - means little Ivanna) is Tajci's best friend from childhood.

Her husband Goran is an awesome guy and a sportsman.  He has all the gear we all need to windsurf and is very generous in teaching us all (kids and Tajci learned last year while I was on the road with Scythian).

We hung out and then put Blais on a board for his first lesson.  Super cute!  I took a short turn at the end of the day.

I walked down and found "Anthony Boy Campground" and walked in and said hello to Maya.  I hadn't been here in approx six years (when we first met Maya).  After her initial shock she said "would you like a Nescafé?" (she says the same every time she arrive in MY office in Cincinnati).

She is great :)

Everyone retreats from the sun (and to eat and rest) from approx 2-4pm.  Stefica made tortellini and we feasted.   At Tajci's request we sat and talked after we ate and I didn't clear the table or quickly wash dishes ... Hard for me to sit still but she said SIT and so I SAT!  We chatted and chilled.  It is strange for me now because I can understand a little of the language.  Before I just sat with my thoughts.  But honestly I mostly just daydream and try to pick up the thread of conversation.

Back to the beach.  I got my turn to try to windsurf.  I tried for an hour or so last time I was here.  I didn't do terrible (Goran is a VERY positive "energy" person and a joy to learn from.)

Then we had a little party for Evan's birthday! 

There are six or eight couples and their kids in this group of friends.  The kids played and we sat and drank wine and travarica.  On TINY bottle lasted the entire evening.  Much singing and laughing ensued.  Big moon. Sea in the distance.  Mountain in the background - life is good.  Much love and good fellowship.

View from Maya's desk (no kidding)

The city across the sea is Korčula. Marco Polo's home town.

ADULTS play the water game Marco Polo and are very serious about it.

(not really)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Water Polo & Kučišće

The morning was very beautiful.  The kids (five) had found hermit crabs (many) named them and made them homes, swimming pools, retirement homes and racing tracks!!  Tajci and I swam to a restaurant (maybe 2,000 meters) and had a nice coffee and swam back!! 

After much swimming and resting we drove to Korchula (the island not the city).  We ate pasta and then Čićo's brother and family joined us.  

Čićo and his brother played in a water polo match.  Outside, in the bay... Imagine (and look at the photos) how beautiful!!

Naturally it turned out that Čićo was a professional water polo player years ago (no kidding) and he was awesome.  Their team won 5-3.  I think Čićo had three goals (might have been two) and his brother 2 assists.

After the game more cousins and relations showed up till we had a full boat (maybe 20 in all).  We slowly sailed across the channel to Kučišće on the peninsula of Pelješac.

Pelješac is my office manager Maya's home "turf".

We were met at Kučišće by Zoran.  We were tied up about ten feet from the dock while we drank a few toasts and Tajci played guitar and sang.

It was an amazing experience!  The world was rocking (rather than the boat) for close to 24 hours after we got off!!

Next we drove to pick up the van and then to our apartment and quickly to bed.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Lovište, Pelješac

Today we sailed to Lovište, Pelješac. We sailed easily with the jib - very smooth and peaceful (and quiet).  We anchored, swam, relaxed, swam and then took the tiny skiff to a restaurant.  Lovely meal :) kids playing between courses in the sea.   The air was dry and I asked Čićo why.  He said it meant that a big wind might come from the east - strong and dry. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lovište (the bay), Ščedro (the island)

Today was really sailing.  We got out into the channel and Čićo got us all situated and then the boat tipped WAY up (sideways away from the wind) we took off.  I got a bit nauseas after an hour or so... Didn't eat enough or ...?  Anyway, didn't puke just felt green and had to eat pretzels and lay on my stomach on the deck.

We got to Lovište, island Ščedro and swam, ate risotto, swam, rested, swam and rested....  Astonishingly beautiful.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Zagreb to Split and sailing

got up at 7:30am to leave at 8am.

All was well (and quick) on the drive to Split.  One mistake took us to old town (Diocletians Palace) and we couldnt get to the Marina where we were to meet Čićo and his family.  We made it (after an hour of struggle).  Parked the van and made a new plan for Čićo's brother to DRIVE the van to Pelješac and meet us. Great (awesome) plan that gave us an extra day and night and ZERO drive time!

Spent the first night on the island Šolta (well... Not really ON but in an inlet called Lieka (funnel).

The boat was cleverly designed by Čićo's father to fit a table that fit all nine of us perfectly!  We ate fried chicken and a salad.  All was perfect till Dante fell right on a sea urchin__. I was in the boat and had just finished a lovely cold Stella... But he was really hurt and I quickly swam to him and helped him back into the water.  We worked on getting the spines out for a little while but has no luck.  He was very scared and I felt helpless.  We gave it up thinking we'd try again later but again had no luck.  Long story that is still not solved... Still spines in hand after four days.  People say they will eventually go away.  I have a feeling we will be digging for them soon (they are mostly under the skin - 48 of them at last count).

Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Amazing lunch with Ksenia & Fra Tomislav in prep (and brain storming) about Mladifest (a Croatian version of World Youth Day) for Croatians in North America.

We had a long long lunch with champagne, wine, port then and espresso!  To eat we had what looked like quesadillas with tiny pieces of seafood, then a lovely octopus salad and then a whole sea bass that was packed (encased) in sea salt and baked... WOW. A local (from dubrovnik) dessert "rožata" with a scoop of tutti frutti Italian I've cream was served with spiked sorbet that we drank to finish off the fiest. 

Later we visited Tajci's cousin Duda and Zvonko.  They are very fun and lively.  Tajci ate knedli with apricots (covered with breadcrumbs fried in butter) and I had a beer/lemonaide (no kidding).  It was very light and refreshing.  It was quite big and I was driving their van back but they said "never mind it is only 4.4% alcohol...

We looked at the wedding book of the Hrvoje and Nikolina (their eldest son).  They were married in a church built in the 3rd century - quite old and beautiful. Where Tajci sang ave Maria and then at the reception got everyone singing with her old hits. 

After that we went to see Mimi and Tonka!  Had a coffee and relaxed a bit.

Kids couldnt sleep (time change and wired because we were heading for coast in the morning).  Tajci and I had to repack the clothes/stuff.  One bag stayed in Zagreb. One to be shipped to Zadar (concert).  One for the boat (4 days) and one for the two weeks on Pelješac.  Huge pain in the keester.  Good thing Tajci is the BEST packer in the world.  Regardless we were up till 3am 

Monday, July 23, 2012

No insurance = awesome

Parks in countries without insurance - who would have thought how much better "stuff" they'd have to play with.

The boys LOVE this contraption.

It was, to be honest, the first time I've told them to be careful in years (I try, as a rule, to let kids be kids).

In my defense the top - and they ALL went all the way to the top - was at least 30' off the ground!

I'll take more pics of cool playground gear as we adventure.

More to come!

Bundich Park
Zagreb Croatia

Note to LinMarie: Stefica worked with Dante and Evan and got them to count to 20 (after that it repeats) AND the alphabet.