
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A bit of biking

We had left the windows open to enjoy the fine weather - a few Mosquitos came in to enjoy our sweet blood.  I went to bed at midnight and was up at 4am from the durn bugs!!  At 6 I gave up and showered and then read a while.  I got the idea of crumpling up receipts and cramming them in my ears - let them drink my blood just STOP buzzing in my ears!!!

I made eggs and walked to meet Goran at 7:30am.  I was a bit apprehensive.  As I mentioned Goran is very strong.  A few years ago a little kayak ride turned into a 20 mile open sea trek (no water, no food, no clue what was happening or where we were going!). But it happens that I LIKE not knowing exactly what is happening and adventure.  So we took off and rode up a mountain.  I was quite tired and had to stop and walk twice and rest once.  Turns out (as I was told by my stomach) eggs (just eggs) wasn't the best plan.  But I am cutting carbs and sometimes u gotta suffer.

I survived :)

Coming down the mountain was thrilling to say the least - the view nothing short of spectacular!

We went home. Had coffee (and a gallon of "sok" (water with a tiny bit of concentrate flavoring - essentially syrup).  Then I walked the boys to the best for windsurfing.  Goran teaches all the kids and all three boys went and did great.  The wind died and it got very very hot quickly so we went to Maya's for ice cream and to email a few people.

Then back to the beach for my turn at windsurfing. I failed - too strong wind by then (it gets stronger and stronger from 11-5 and then is ok for beginners) and then home for a lunch of kale and potatoes and chicken!

Took a nap and chilled out till 5ish.

I had a coffee and talked with Tajci till it was time to get ready to walk to catch the boat to Korčula. No big plans - just wandered the city, took a pic of the sunset for my Mom and had dinner. Perfect weather - warm sea breeze.

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